Province and Landowners Agree to Pickering’s Seaton Plans

Pickering, ON, February 10, 2011 – Last Monday, Pickering Council approved Minutes of Settlement that will allow for the City’s Seaton Plans to be completed and considered for approval at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing expected to be scheduled in May or June.

The approved Minutes of Settlement represent an agreement between Pickering Council, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Ontario Realty Corporation, the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and the Seaton Landowners to work collaboratively in planning and developing the Seaton community. Agreement has already been reached on a Conformity Amendment prepared by the City that establishes the broad framework for the development of Seaton as a sustainable urban community as envisioned by the Province’s Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP).

The City’s Conformity Amendment sets a benchmark for developing Seaton based on eight sustainability principles:

1. Create walkable, transit supportive neighbourhoods through compact development, integration of mixed use development and distribution of parks and recreational facilities

2. Create a transit, cycling and pedestrian supportive urban system with pedestrian-oriented roads, and fully integrated cycling and walking networks

3. Create opportunities for job creation particularly on the employment lands concurrent with residential growth

4. Promote building and design practices, which are environmentally sustainable

5. Provide for a range of housing types and densities that meet the needs of a diverse population

6. Protect the Seaton Natural Heritage System and integrate it into the neighbourhoods

7. Protect cultural heritage resources and archaeological resources

8. Create an adaptive and resilient urban community

Over the next few months, the public will have many opportunities to learn more about Seaton and provide input through Public Open Houses and/or Workshops; Public Consultation on all neighbourhood plans; Council meetings; and the OMB process.

The approved Minutes of Settlement mark a decisive step forward towards the realization of Seaton. Additional work still needs to be done, including the completion of detailed Neighbourhood Plans; Development Design & Sustainability Guidelines; and a Staged Servicing and Implementation Strategy. While an aggressive timeline has been laid out for completing this work, the City is eager to move forward on the planning and development of Seaton in continued partnership with the other parties to the Agreement, the Region of Durham and the community at large.