Speaking at a Standing Committee Meeting

Addressing a Standing Committee

A written request to appear before a Standing Committee is required by 9:30 a.m. on the Monday preceding the Committee meeting.

Your written request can be submitted by email to delegations@durham.ca or by mail to:  Clerks Department, 605 Rossland Road East, P.O. Box 623, Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 or by fax to 905-668-9963.  The request should include the subject matter, the name of the presenter, contact information (e.g. address, email, telephone) and any audio-visual requirements.

If you plan to use an electronic presentation/slide show a copy must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so that it can be loaded onto the equipment in preparation for the meeting.  Please note that last minute delivery or handing in of your presentation may result in it not being loaded on the equipment.

It is requested that a written copy of your submission be provided to the Committee Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting.  A copy can be submitted by email to delegations@durham.ca.  If you would like a copy of your presentation provided to Committee Members and Staff, please bring 25 copies and provide them to the Committee Clerk.

Delegations are limited to five minutes.  There is an opportunity for Committee Members to ask questions following your delegation.  A delegation consisting of more than five persons shall be entitled to two speakers with each limited to speak for not more than five minutes.

View Councils Rules of Procedure By-law Number 47-2010, as amended for further details.
Notice to individuals writing or speaking to Regional Council or Committees:

Written correspondence submitted may be placed in a public agenda and will become part of the public record.  Oral submissions from individuals appearing as delegations will also become part of the public record.

Your personal information will be collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record and may be available to the general public pursuant to the Municipal Act 2001, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and any other relevant Acts.